Forgot my Password

You should receive an email with a new password in about 5 minutes. Please be patient. At times, the Symplicity system can take longer to deliver emails due to system-wide email delivery backlogs.

If you do not receive an email within 24 hours, please contact the OCS at and we will manually reset your password.

Do not resubmit your email until you receive an email from Symplicity with your new password. Each time you submit your email the system will reset your password and send you another email with another new password. This will cause further backlogs and confusion as to which new password to use.

If you receive a message that your email address is not in the system then you can try another email address or contact the OCS at to find out which email address is registered for you.

Enter your username below, click go, and your password will be reset and emailed to you
(your email address)